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- No. 030「Silent to Listen」チェ ソイ
No. 030「Silent to Listen」チェ ソイ
JAGDA国際学生ポスターアワード2023 入選作品【複製品】
作品名:Silent to Listen Silent to Listen
制作者:チェ ソイ Seoee Choi
学 校:ソウル大学校 Seoul National University
制作意図(Design Concept):
The two posters symbolize an anagram example, silent and listen, with the central theme share, linking these concepts. Being silent is the foundation of sharing, and listening is the outcome of sharing. This concept finds applies to human relationships and social life. When people achieve a serene state, they start sharing their opinions and empathetically listening to each other's stories.
用 紙:普通紙・マット
印 刷:キンコーズ・ジャパン株式会社