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- No. 090「Sharing language」リー ヂーユー
No. 090「Sharing language」リー ヂーユー
JAGDA国際学生ポスターアワード2023 入選作品【複製品】
作品名:Sharing language Sharing language
制作者:リー ヂーユー Zhiyu Li
学 校:弘益大学校 Hongik University
制作意図(Design Concept):
I've been studied both in New York and Seoul, and I find that the character of this two country have some pronounce in common, as a graphic designer student, I'd like to find out the graphic connection of this two language by sharing the bone of character and make words out of the other language. By using Riso to print the character out, the single letter can become an individual icon of sharing.
用 紙:普通紙・マット
印 刷:キンコーズ・ジャパン株式会社