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- No. 163「Share vibe」ヴァシレンコ ナタリヤ
No. 163「Share vibe」ヴァシレンコ ナタリヤ
JAGDA国際学生ポスターアワード2023 入選作品【複製品】
作品名:Share vibe Share vibe
制作者:ヴァシレンコ ナタリヤ Natalya Vasilenko
学 校:タイポオプトスクール TypoOpyt School
制作意図(Design Concept):
By looking at some of the windows you can clearly determine the character of the person who lives behind them. Introverts hide behind closed shutters, while extroverts share their energy by inviting others into their world through window panes. Each window has its unique vibe, such as a sound of the day or light of night. Which side of your personality would you like to open up to the world?
用 紙:普通紙・マット
印 刷:キンコーズ・ジャパン株式会社